
RCM Theory

For students who completed Musicianship 5, we have various combinations of classes for Theory 5 exam and Theory 6-8 to meet the needs of our students. Please refer to our schedule for individual class days/times. We also offer group classes and/or private theory lessons for RCM Level 9 Harmony, Level 10 Harmony & Counterpoint, ARCT Harmony & Counterpoint, ARCT Analysis, Level 9-10 History, and ARCT History.

If you need to complete specific level(s) and/or require a different schedule from the current class offerings, please contact Mastery to discuss alternative theory class days/times/levels.

RCM Examinations occur three times a year: December, May, and August. To register and/or for more information, please visit https://www.rcmusic.com/learning/examinations